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63 Datensätze gefunden
Nr. 1
Titel:EU energy in figures
Titel der Serie:Statistical pocketbook
Herausgeber:Europäische Kommission / Generaldirektion Energie und Verkehr | Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat) | Europäische Kommission / Generaldirektion Verkehr
Verlag:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Jahr/Datum:2012 (Startjahr)
Typ:Statistical Series
Sachgebiet:Statistik | Energie
Bestand:detaillierte Informationen
Nr. 2
Titel:Environmental statistics in the Mediterranean countries – Compendium 2005
Paralleltitel:Statistiques environnementales dans les pays méditerranéens – Compendium 2005
Abstract:Diese Veröffentlichung ist das zweite Kompendium zur Umweltstatistik des südlichen und östlichen Mittelmeerraumes, welches von Eurostat herausgegeben wird; es basiert auf Daten der Nationalen Statistischen Ämter der zwölf Partnerländer. Es stellt Statistiken und Metadaten vor, die in diesen zwölf Ländern im Rahmen des Projektes 'MEDSTAT-Umwelt' gesammelt wurden, und umfasst eine Auswahl allgemeiner Indikatoren sowie spezifische Indikatoren aus den Bereichen Böden, Wälder, Wasser, marine Umwelt, biologische Vielfalt, Luftverschmutzung sowie Erzeugung und Behandlung fester Abfälle. Einige Tabellen ermöglichen den Vergleich auf regionaler Ebene, während andere dis historische Entwicklung auf nationaler Ebene illustrieren.
Titel der Serie:Panorama of the European Union
Herausgeber:Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT)
Verlag:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Seiten:103 S.
Sprache:engl. | franz.
Sachgebiet:Statistik | Umwelt
Online Ressource: EN FR
Nr. 3
Titel:Energy, trans­port and environment indicators pocketbook
Paralleltitel:Energy, trans­port and environment indicators
Abstract:The pocketbook titled 'Energy, Trans­port and Environment Indicators' comprises a broad set of data collected by Eurostat and the European Environment Agency. The objective of this publication is to provide an overview of the most relevant indicators on energy, trans­port and environment, with particular focus on sustainable development. It presents data for the EU Member States as well as for the candidate countries and EFTA countries. [Herausgeber]
Titel der Serie:Pocketbooks / Eurostat
Herausgeber:Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat)
Verlag:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Jahr/Datum:2003 (Startjahr)
Medium:Buch | PDF-file
Sachgebiet:Statistik | Energie | Umwelt | Verkehr
Bestand:detaillierte Informationen
Nr. 4
Titel:Energy and environmental indicators: Data 1985-2000
Titel der Serie:Pocketbooks / Eurostat
Herausgeber:Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat)
Verlag:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Seiten:180 S.
Medium:Buch | PDF-file
Sachgebiet:Statistik | Energie | Umwelt
Online Ressource: EN
Nr. 5
Titel:Renewable energy sources statistics in the EU, Iceland and Norway : data 1989-2000
Abstract:The aim of this publication is to give an overview of the evolution of the contribution of renewable energy sources in the European Union from 1989 to 2000, the period during which surveys and studies were carried out in the Member States on behalf of Eurostat, co-financed by ALTENER.
Titel der Serie:Pocketbooks / Eurostat
Herausgeber:Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat)
Verlag:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Seiten:80 S.
Medium:Buch | PDF-file
Sachgebiet:Statistik | Energie : Erneuerbare Energiequellen | Umwelt
Online Ressource: PDF-Version: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Nr. 6
Titel:Energy consumption in the services sector – Surveys of EU Member States: Data 1995-1999
Abstract:This publication is a compilation of the results of the project 'Energy consumption in the services sector' that covers the European Union Member States with the exception of Luxembourg and Ireland. The purpose of this project has been to collect information in a direct way, through surveys or studies, on the energy consumption in the services sector. The services sector's branches covered in this project have been defined according to the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the EU (NACE Rev.1).
Titel der Serie:Detailed Tables
Herausgeber:Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat)
Verlag:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Seiten:55 S.
Medium:Buch | PDF-file
Sachgebiet:Statistik | Energie | Umwelt
Online Ressource: EN
Nr. 7
Titel:Sourcebook of environmentally-relevant data on industry: Data 1990-1999
Abstract:This sourcebook has been prepared in response to the requirement set by the Treaty of Amsterdam to ‘integrate’ environmental concerns into the different sectoral policies. It attempts to bring together in one report the most relevant statistical information concerning industry and environment, which could eventually be used as a basis to produce integration indicators for industry. The publication is split into 3 main parts dealing respectively with the overall competitiveness of the European industrial sector, namely vis-à-vis the other Triad countries, the main pressures exerted on the environment by this sector in the EU and EFTA, as well as the impacts of and responses to these, thus providing a first environmental portrait of EU industry in the period 1990-1999.
Titel der Serie:Detailed Tables
Herausgeber:Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat)
Verlag:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Seiten:83 S.
Medium:Buch | PDF-file
Sachgebiet:Statistik | Energie | Umwelt
Online Ressource: EN
Nr. 8
Titel:The use of plant protection products in the European Union: Data 1992-1999
Abstract:There is an increasing demand not only within the European Community for meaningful and accurate information on the consumption and use patterns of plant protection products. Pesticides have been the centre of controversy for a long time and are associated with risks to human health and/or to the environment. In the framework of the Sixth Environmental Action Programme, 'Environment 2010, Our Future, Our Choice' (6th EAP) the European Commission has adopted a Communication 'Towards a Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides', which is currently being discussed by all involved stakeholders. To accompany the development and implementation of a European policy with adequate statistical data, and since a mandatory data reporting scheme for pesticides usage has not been established yet, Eurostat has, in collaboration with the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA), launched a project to fill this data gap. The results are published in this report, which provides detailed information and time series (1992-1999) on the applied volumes, broken down by product types, chemical classes, treated crops, by Member State and on the EU level.
Titel der Serie:Detailed Tables
Herausgeber:Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat)
Verlag:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Seiten:132 S.
Medium:Buch | PDF-file
Sachgebiet:Statistik | Umwelt | Landwirtschaft, Forstwirtschaft, Fischerei
Online Ressource: EN
Nr. 9
Titel:Environmental protection expenditure in accession countries (Data 1996 – 2000)
Abstract:The European Union is facing one of the biggest challenges of its history: the forthcoming enlargement. As part of the accession process, applicant countries need to adopt more stricter environmental rules and standards. The environment DG estimates that the total cost of compliance is around 100 billion euro and that accession countries need to spend around 2–3% of GDP on environmental protection in the coming years. 'Environmental protection expenditure in accession countries' presents the volume and structure of the spending on environmental protection from 1996 until 2000.
Titel der Serie:Detailed Tables
Herausgeber:European Commission | Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat)
Verlag:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Seiten:97 S.
Medium:Buch | PDF-file
Sachgebiet:Statistik | Umwelt : Umweltpolitik und Umweltschutz | Auswärtige Beziehungen : Beziehungen zu Drittländern : Mittel- und Osteuropa | Institutionelle Fragen : Europäische Integration
Schlagwort:EG/EU-Erweiterung | Bulgarien | Tschechische Republik | Estland | Zypern | Lettland | Litauen | Ungarn | Malta | Polen | Slowenien | Slowakische Republik | Rumänien | PHARE
Online Ressource: EN
Nr. 10
Titel:Municipal waste management in accession countries
Herausgeber:European Commission | Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat)
Verlag:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Seiten:92 S.
Sachgebiet:Statistik | Umwelt : Umweltpolitik und Umweltschutz | Auswärtige Beziehungen : Beziehungen zu Drittländern : Mittel- und Osteuropa | Institutionelle Fragen : Europäische Integration | Wirtschafts- und Verbraucherfragen
Schlagwort:EG/EU-Erweiterung | Bulgarien | Tschechische Republik | Estland | Zypern | Lettland | Litauen | Ungarn | Malta | Polen | Slowenien | Slowakische Republik | Rumänien | PHARE | Abfallwirtschaft
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