Eine Person schreibt am Laptop, ihre Fingernägel sind schwarz lackiert. Neben dem Laptop liegen ein aufgeschlagenes Buch, auf dem ein Stift und eine Brille abgelegt sind, weitere Bücher und ein Schlüsselband der Universität Mannheim.

Open Access Event 2018

Venue: University of Mannheim, Fuchs-Petrolub-Festsaal (O 138)
Date: 22 October 2018, 1:30 p.m.–3:30 p.m.
Organization: Division I – Strategic Planning and Research Services and Mannheim University Library
Contact: Dr. Philipp Zumstein

Novel approaches in Open Science

Open Access is a standard for scientific publishing, demanded by important research funders and pushed forward politically. Following that track implementing open data and open science are the next challenging tasks for researchers. We approach these topics in all their facets and hear about novel approaches such as open research software, replication studies, and preregistration studies, or diamond open access journals.


1:30 p.m.–1:40 p.m.
Welcome remarks

Prof. Dr. Edgar Erdfelder
Vice President for Research

Dr. Sabine Gehrlein
University Librarian

1:40 p.m.–2:00 p.m.
Introduction to Open Access, Open Data, Open Science

Dr. Philipp Zumstein
Open Access Representative of the University of Mannheim

2:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m.
Open Science in all its Facets with a Focus on Research Software

Prof. Dr. Konrad Förstner
ZB MED/TH Köln und Allianz AG „Digital tools – software and services“

Slides (PDF, 7,35 MB)

2:30 p.m.–2:50 p.m.
New Developments in Research Trans­parency and Reproducibility

Dr. Eike Mark Rinke
Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES)

Slides (PDF, 492 KB)

2:50 p.m.–3:10 p.m.
Creating an Open Access Journal

Prof. Dr. Carola Trips
Anglistische Linguistik/Diachronie

Slides (PDF, 219 KB)

3:10 p.m.–3:20 p.m.
Support for Open Access, Open Data

Dr. Ursula Schlichter
EU-Liaison officer

Dr. Philipp Zumstein
Open Access Representative of the University of Mannheim

Slides (PDF, 2 MB)

3:20 p.m.
Talk & discussion