Projects involving the FDZ

The FDZ supports projects in research data management.

Current Projects

  • BERD@NFDI (OCR, Knowledge Graphs, Training)

    In the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), the FDZ participates in BERD@NFDI, a NFDI consortium for unstructured data from business, economics and related disciplines. The FDZ performs tasks in the areas of:

    • Optical character/text recognition (extracting unstructured and structured data from digital images),
    • Knowledge graphs,
    • Legal issues in research data and
    • Research data management trainings.
  • MARCIE (Data Literacy Training)

    The FDZ supports the Mannheim Research Group in Culture, Research and Entrepreneurship (MARCIE) by creating a video tutorial on cultural data literacy.

  • TransforMA (AI, Data Literacy, OCR)

    Two hands are typing on a Laptop.

    The FDZ is involved in the TransforMA project in sub-project 3 “Technology”. In this part of the project, the expertise in the field of AI and research data management in particular is contributed. By creating databases and chatbots, the aim is to facilitate technology and knowledge searches for University of Applied Sciences Mannheim and the University of Mannheim, thereby enabling low-threshold access to existing knowledge and technologies at both universities.

  • MaDaLi² (Data Literacy, e-Learning)

    Logo des Projekts MaDaLi² in blauer Schrift

    In the “MaDaLi²” project, the FDZ is supporting the development of a data literacy e-learning course for students. The course enables students to learn and consolidate important basics in dealing with research data at their own pace. These basics include the ability to explore, understand and communicate data appropriately.

  • KGI4NFDI (Knowledge Graphs)

    The KGI4NFDI project is developing a centralised infrastructure for knowledge graphs to improve interoperability and support the goals of the NFDI. KGI4NFDI offers registration and access services, promotes standardised practices and FAIR data principles, supplemented by documentation and consulting services. In this context, the FDZ supports the consulting services and the development of standardised practices for the creation of knowledge graphs.

  • ENGAGE.EU (Training)

    Logo Engage EU, European University

    ENGAGE.EU is an alliance of leading European universities that equips citizens with the skills they need to tackle societal challenges. The alliance promotes collaboration and education to advance Europe in solving problems such as digitalisation, climate change and demographic change. The FDZ contributes its expertise to ENGAGE.EU with training courses on research data management. In addition, the FDZ is part of an expert group on research data management.

Completed Projects (selection)

  • Aktienführer Data Archive (OCR, structuring data)

    Between 2013 and 2019, the FDZ created the Aktienführer data archive as part of two DFG projects. For this purpose, all Aktienführer volumes from the Hoppenstedt publishing house were digitized, the text was extracted in a structured manner and made available via a web interface.


Forschungsdatenzentrum (FDZ)

Forschungsdatenzentrum (FDZ)

Team: Irene Schumm, Phil Kolbe, David Morgan, Thomas Schmidt, Renat Shigapov, Christos Sidiropoulos, Vasilka Stoilova, Larissa Will
University of Mannheim
Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim
Schloss Schneckenhof West
68161 Mannheim