Aktienführer Data Archive

The Aktienführer data archive contains yearly profiles of several thousand German companies listed on the stock exchange. The profiles include the most important key figures such as the company’s place of business, commercial activities, number of employees, shares, stockholder, information from the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement. The data is based on the publications “Hoppenstedt Aktienführer“ and “Saling’s Börsenpapiere“.

Access and use

The database may be used for research and teaching purposes. Institutions in Germany are granted access to the database via the Nationallizenzen (national licenses) infrastructure. Individual users may contact the RDC directly. You may access the available research data on site at the computers in the workspaces of the Mannheim University Library. The digitized resources of the RDC can be accessed without asking for permission. Further information can be found here: Public Domain Mark 1.0.

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