Publication Guidelines of the University of Mannheim
The President's Office approved the following Publication Guidelines in June 2023.
Publication Guidelines of the University of Mannheim (PDF, 184 KB)
An outstanding position in the international and national research community is one of the key strategic objectives of the University of Mannheim. Institutional performance comparisons, such as university rankings, have become increasingly important for the reputation and visibility of research institutions. Such performance comparisons are based, in particular, on the publication data of research institutions. In addition, it is part of the University of Mannheim’s self-image and ambition to collect data on its research performance and to make it visible.
It is therefore highly relevant that the members of the University of Mannheim name the university in a uniform and correct way, when providing affiliation information for publications.
These Publication Guidelines serve the purpose of clearly assigning academic output to the university and contain recommendations for using ORCID iD and the university bibliography (MADOC).
1. Scope of these Publication Guidelines
These guidelines apply to the following groups of persons affiliated with the University of Mannheim:
- professors and substitute professors,
- senior professors,
- junior professors,
- lecturers,
- post-doctoral researchers,
- habilitation candidates,
- doctoral candidates,
- student or research assistants and
- non-academic employees.
If the research results used in publications were mainly created at the University of Mannheim, these Publication Guidelines also apply to the following university members:
- guest researchers of the University of Mannheim, who conduct research and publish while at the University of Mannheim,
- fellows,
- senior academic staff members (Privatdozent*innen),
- auxiliary professors (außerplanmäßige Professor*innen),
- honorary professors (Honorarprofessor*innen) and
- adjunct lecturers.
Former members of the university, whose publications are based on results they achieved at the University of Mannheim, are also asked to name the University of Mannheim in accordance with these Publication Guidelines.
2. Affiliation information of the University of Mannheim
The University of Mannheim has adopted the following standard affiliation information (in German and English):
Universität Mannheim
University of Mannheim.
The affiliation information may be provided in German or English. Using other names as well as acronyms and abbreviations should be avoided. The address or location may be added to the affiliation information.
All groups of persons listed in (1) are requested to use this name when publishing papers, research data, research software, and other research results, and when presenting at events of the research community (e.g., lectures, conferences, symposia, and project proposals).
3. Additional information on the department/ school, chair or institute
After the university has been named, the research institution or school/
First | University of Mannheim |
Second | school/ |
Third | professorship of XYZ |
The correct and current names can be found in the attachment to these Publication Guidelines.
Universität Mannheim, Fakultät für XYZ, Professur für XYZ |
University of Mannheim, School of XYZ, professorship of XYZ |
Universität Mannheim, Mannheimer Zentrum für XYZ |
4. Multiple institutional affiliations
The recommendations of these Publication Guidelines also apply to researchers who are also members of another university or academic institution, besides the University of Mannheim (e.g., jointly appointed professors).
In these cases, we ask you to name the affiliations with both institutions. The institution where most of the academic work has been completed should be named first. If a researcher is temporarily affiliated with another institution besides the University of Mannheim, the affiliation with this institution may be named as the second institution if substantial research work has been completed at this institution. This applies, for example, to a longer but temporary research stay at a guest institution.
Examples for institutional affiliations with several institutions
Maria Mustermann 1, 2 1 University of Mannheim, Department of Economics, Mannheim, Germany 2 Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim, Germany |
Max Mustermann 1, 2 1 University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany 2 University of Maryland, College Park, United States |
5. Consistency of author information and ORCID iD
The University of Mannheim recommends that its members make sure that their name is consistently stated in all publications and that they use ORCID iD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) as standardized author identification number. ORCID iD is integrated into many publication workflows of publishers and ensures that authors can be uniquely identified and linked to the correct publications, irrespective of name equivalencies, name variants and name changes.
A well-maintained ORCID entry helps to make publications visible, similar to author profiles in databases such as Google Scholar, Scopus or Web of Science/
6. Using standardized institutions identifiers
Using standardized identifiers for affiliated research institutions is recommended if the publisher offers that option when the manuscript is submitted.
The following IDs are assigned to the University of Mannheim:
ROR ID | GRID ID | Ringgold ID | ISNI | |
University of Mannheim | 031bsb921 | grid.5601.2 | 26573 | 0000 0001 0943 599X |
7. Information on research funding in publications
Due to transparency reasons, information on the funding of research or the publication of its results should be included; this is also requested by some funding organizations such as the German Research Foundation or the European Union. In addition to the name of the research organization, the project number, project name or funding program may have to be included in the Funding Acknowledgments. The requirements of the funding organization must be strictly observed.
8. Adding a publication to the university bibliography
The publications of the university’s researchers are listed in the university bibliography and maintained in MADOC. The publications listed there are the data basis for measuring the research performance of the University of Mannheim and are also the basis for reports to external institutions, such as federal and state ministries, evaluation, bibliometric analyses as well as research accreditation information.
Against this background, we urge all researchers of the University of Mannheim to add all their publications to MADOC.
9. Other requirements
The publications as well as the research which is the basis for the publication must comply with the Code of Good Research Practice at the University of Mannheim. In addition, the university has adopted an Open Access Policy in which the university expressly recommends that its researchers make their research accessible to the global research community and the general public via Open Access.
Transparent and replicable research is also important to the University of Mannheim. The University of Mannheim supports these goals by Open Science research practices (such as preregistration, Open Data, Open Materials and Open Source).
10. Contact and advice
The University Library advises researchers on topics such as publishing, Open Access, bibliometrics and research data management and has established services to support researchers in publishing research results (e.g., publications, research data).
The Research Services team supports you when submitting a proposal to apply for third-party funding.
Departments/ schools of the University of Mannheim
deutsch | englisch |
Abteilung Rechtswissenschaft | Department of Law |
Abteilung Volkswirtschaftslehre | Department of Economics |
Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaftslehre | Business School |
Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften | School of Social Sciences |
Philosophische Fakultät | School of Humanities |
Fakultät für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Wirtschaftsmathematik | School of Business Informatics and Business Mathematics |
Institutes and institutions of the University of Mannheim
deutsch | englisch |
Institut für Enterprise Systems (InES) | Institute for Enterprise Systems (InES) |
Institut für Mittelstandsforschung (ifm) | Center for SME Research and Entrepreneurship |
Institut für Versicherungswissenschaft | Institute of Insurance Sciences |
Mannheim Center for Data Science (MCDS) | |
Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung (MZES) | Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) |
Mannheim Institute for Financial Education (MIFE) | |
Mannheim Institute for Sustainable Energy Studies (MISES) | |
Otto-Selz-Institut (OSI) | Otto Selz Institute (OSI) |
Universitätsbibliothek | University Library |
Universitäts-IT | University IT |
Zentrum für Lehre und Lernen (ZLL) | Teaching and Learning Center (ZLL) |
Zentrum für Lehrerbildung und Bildungsinnovation (ZLBI) | Center for Teacher Education and Educational Innovation (ZLBI) |
As of: 28 November 2023