Publishing and Open Access
The University Library offers advice on topics such as publishing and open access and provides services to support you in publishing your research results.
The University of Mannheim has drawn up Publication Guidelines. In its Open Access Policy, the University of Mannheim recommends its researchers to publish their research results in accordance with the principles of open access.
On open access
Open access means unrestricted access to research information, free of charge for readers. It means that anyone interested can read, print, save, distribute or automatically evaluate open access publications without financial, legal or technical restrictions.
In its Open Access Policy, the University of Mannheim advises its researchers to use open access publications to make their research results available to the international research community and the general public. Open access is also an important standard for national and international research funding institutions and is frequently a requirement when applying for external funding.
Options for open access publishing are provided by
- the MADOC research repository
- publishers with open access business model, e.g. when authors are paying publishing fees
- subject-specific repositories and journals of non-profit organizations and consortia
- the MADATA research data repository
Please note that the possibilities of re-publishing your articles may differ, according to the authors’ rights as governed by publishing agreements.
More information on open access:
Benefit from the University Library’s services to make your research results available online and to publish them open access, if possible.
Publishing open access with a publisher
Do you want to publish your article in open access with one of the publishers listed below? Benefit from the negotiated opportunities for researchers at the University of Mannheim resulting from publishing contracts and agreements.
ACM (Journals and Proceedings)
Under the ACM OPEN agreement with the publisher Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), researchers of the University of Mannheim can publish their articles directly as open access publications in hybrid journals and proceedings of the publisher, without having to pay for it. This applies if you are “corresponding author” and your article is published between 1 March 2021 and 31 December 2027.
Further publisher's information on eleigible titles and exceptions
In addition, you get full reading access to the ACM Digital Library under the agreement.
Cambridge University Press
In Cambridge journals (gold or hybrid) where the open access publication is covered by the Publish and Read license, researchers of the University of Mannheim can publish open access articles. Additional costs are not incurred. This applies if you are “corresponding author” and your article is published between 1 January 2019 and 31 December 2027.
For this to complete the usual steps to place an article in a journal. Once your article is accepted by Cambridge University Press, fill in the “open access license to publish” form.
De Gruyter
The Publish and Read agreement with the publisher De Gruyter provides access to journals in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) and Economics as well as the advantages of publishing in open access. As a researcher at the University of Mannheim, you can benefit from this under following conditions:
- You are affiliated with the University of Mannheim at the time of acceptance.
- You are responsible for the article as “corresponding author”.
- The article will be accepted for publication between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2025.
Hybrid open access
As a researcher at the University of Mannheim, you can publish in open access in a large number of journals (PDF, 127 KB) without any further costs under the following conditions under above-mentioned conditions.
Gold open access
As a researcher at the University of Mannheim you will receive, under the above-mentioned conditions, a 20 percent discount on the publication fee (APC) in genuine open access journals published by De Gruyter.
For publication in genuine open access journals, you can additionally apply for funding from the Open Access Publication Fund of the University of Mannheim.
The DEAL agreement with Elsevier not only provides access to over 2,500 Elsevier journals (including the Lancet and Cell Press titles) but also offers advantages with open access publishing. As a researcher at the University of Mannheim, you can benefit from this under following requirements:
- You are affiliated with the University of Mannheim and your affiliation with the University of Mannheim is clearly stated in the manuscript to be published.
- You are responsible for the article as “submitting corresponding author”.
- Your article is of a peer-reviewed type.
- The article has been accepted for publication between 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2028.
Hybrid open access (Core Hybrid)
As a researcher at the University of Mannheim, you are eligible to publish in open access in around 1,800 hybrid journals published by Elsevier (including Cell Press and The Lancet) under the above conditions at no additional cost.
Gold Open Access
As a researcher at the University of Mannheim and under the above conditions, you will also receive discounts on the publication fee (APC) when publishing in around 700 pure Open access journals: 20 percent discount for Elsevier Fully Gold Open access journals and 15 percent discount for Fully Gold Cell Press and The Lancet journals.
If you publish in a genuine open access journal, you can apply for additional funding from the Open access Publishing Fund of the University of Mannheim.
Under the Publish and Read agreement with Emerald, researchers of the University of Mannheim can publish in open access in both hybrid and pure (gold) open access journals of the publisher as well as on the Emerald Open Research platform, without having to pay for it. This applies if you are “corresponding author” and your article is accepted for publication between 1 January 2023 and 31 December 2025.
By using the university e-mail address in the submission process, you will be identified as eligible and receive a voucher for the OA publication.
Further information
Under the consortium agreement with the publisher Frontiers, researchers of the University of Mannheim can publish in all journals of the publisher, without having to pay for it. This applies if you are “corresponding author” and your article is accepted for publication between 1 April 2024 and 31 December 2025.
For this you need to select during the submission process University of Mannheim as your institution.
An application for transfer from the Open Access Publication Fund is not necessary for the period of the consortium agreement.
Hogrefe (PsyJOURNALS)
Under the Hogrefe Publish and Read agreement, you can, as a researcher at the University of Mannheim, publish directly in open access in the publisher's current online psychological journals (PsyJOURNALS) at no additional costs. This applies if you are responsible for the article as “corresponding author” and it is published between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2026.
To use this publication option, fill out the open access release form and select the appropriate license. The form will be sent to you by Hogrefe Verlag upon acceptance of the article. We recommend the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY) without further restrictions, as it complies with the requirements of many research funders.
In addition, the Hogrefe Publish and Read agreement gives you direct read access to all of the publisher's current and archived psychological journals (PsyJOURNALS).
Gold open access
As a researcher at the University of Mannheim, you receive a 25 percent discount on the publication fee (APC) in the genuine open access journals. This applies to articles that are published by December 31, 2026, and you are affiliated with the University of Mannheim.
If you publish in these journals, you can apply for additional funding from the Open Access Publishing Fund of the University of Mannheim.
The Publish and Read agreement with the publisher Karger offers you beside access to the publisher's portfolio of around 70 journals, also advantages when publishing in open access. As a researcher at the University of Mannheim, you can benefit from this for your new articles under following conditions:
- You are affiliated with the University of Mannheim at the time of acceptance.
- You are responsible for the article as “corresponding author”.
- The article will be accepted between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2026.
Hybrid open access
As a researcher at the University of Mannheim, you can publish open access in hybrid journals published by Karger under the above-mentioned conditions at no additional cost.
Gold open access
As a researcher at the University of Mannheim, you will receive a 15 percent discount on the publication fee (APC) in genuine (gold) open access journals published by Karger under the above conditions.
If you publish in a genuine open access journal, you can apply for additional funding from the Open Access Publishing Fund of the University of Mannheim.
Within the Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP) of the open access publisher MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute) researchers of the University of Mannheim benefit from a 10 percent reduction on the publication fee; this applies to both journals (APC) and books (BPC). That discount cannot be combined with other MDPI discounts for the same publication.
As „corresponding author“ you can fill in the Application for Funding of Open Access Publication Fees in order to have the remaining publication fee covered.
Some MDPI journals were excluded from the Web of Science and the DOAJ in 2023 and 2024 due to quality problems (cf. article in science). So please check the quality of the individual journals critically if you want to publish with MDPI.
The Publish and Read agreement with the publisher SAGE not only gives you access to SAGE journals from the Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS), but also discounts on open access publishing. As a researcher at the University of Mannheim, you can benefit from this under following conditions:
- You are affiliated with the University of Mannheim at the time of acceptance.
- You are responsible for the article as “corresponding author”.
- The article is accepted between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2025.
SAGE Choice
In hybrid journals of the publisher SAGE with the option “SAGE Choice” you can publish as a scientist of the University of Mannheim in Open access without further costs under the above mentioned conditions. The article must be of the type Original Research Papers, Review Papers, Brief Communications, Short Reports or Case Reports. A few subscription journals that do not offer hybrid publication offers are exempt from this agreement.
To use this option, confirm in the SAGE Open Access Portal that you would like to publish your publication open access, select the appropriate license and enter the University of Mannheim under “predetermined funding agency or institution” in the Bill Payer option.
We recommend to choose the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY). This license meets the conditions of most research funders.
List of journals in the Humanities and Social Sciences Package
Gold open access
As a researcher at the University of Mannheim, you will receive a 20 percent discount on the publication fee (APC) in genuine open access journals published by SAGE under the above conditions.
List of SAGE Gold Open Access Journals
If you publish in a genuine open access journal, you can apply for additional funding from the Open Access Publishing Fund of the University of Mannheim.
Springer Nature
The DEAL agreement with Springer Nature provides access to over 2,800 Springer journals as well as offers discounts on open access publishing. As a researcher at the University of Mannheim, you can benefit from this if you fulfill the following requirements:
- You are affiliated with the University of Mannheim and your affiliation with the University of Mannheim is clearly stated in the manuscript to be published.
- You are responsible for the article as “corresponding author”.
- The article has been accepted for publication between 2020 and 31 December 2028.
Open Choice
As a researcher at the University of Mannheim, you can publish in the hybrid journals of Springer Nature with the “Open Choice” option under the above-mentioned conditions in open access at no additional cost. To do this, select the “Open Choice” option in the publisher's workflow after the article has been accepted and then confirm your affiliation with the University of Mannheim.
Gold open access
As a researcher at the University of Mannheim, you will receive a 20 percent discount on the publication fee (APC) in over 500 pure open access journals from BMC and SpringerOpen under the above conditions.
If you publish in a genuine open access journal, you can apply for additional funding from the Open Access Publishing Fund of the University of Mannheim.
Taylor & Francis
The Publish and Read agreement with the publisher Taylor & Francis offers you beside access to the publisher's portfolio of journals also advantages when publishing in open access. As a researcher at the University of Mannheim, you can benefit from this for your new articles under following conditions:
- You are affiliated with the University of Mannheim at the time of acceptance.
- You are responsible for the article as “submitting corresponding author”.
- The article is accepted between 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2026.
- The article belongs to the type: Article, Research Article, Review, Review Article, Report, Brief Report, Note, Case Report, Essay, Discussion
Open Select
As a researcher at the University of Mannheim, you can publish open access in over 2,000 hybrid journals published by Taylor & Francis (Open Select Journals) under the above-mentioned conditions at no additional cost.
Gold open access
As a researcher at the University of Mannheim, you will receive a 15 percent discount on the publication fee (APC) in genuine open access journals (Open Journals) published by Taylor & Francis under the above conditions.
If you publish in a genuine open access journal, you can apply for additional funding from the Open access Publishing Fund of the University of Mannheim.
The DEAL agreement with the publisher Wiley provides access to all Wiley journals as well as offers discounts on open access publishing. As a researcher at the University of Mannheim, you can benefit from this if you fulfill the following requirements for an article:
- You are affiliated with the University of Mannheim at the time of acceptance.
- You are responsible for the article as “corresponding author”.
- The article will be accepted for publication between 2019 and 31 December 2028
Online Open
As a researcher at the University of Mannheim, you can publish in hybrid Wiley-journals with the option “OnlineOpen” in open access without additional costs under the above-mentioned conditions. The article must be of the type Primary Research Article or Review Article.
To use this open access publication option, follow the publisher’s workflow and confirm the University of Mannheim as affiliation.
We recommend the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY), which complies with the requirements of many research funders.
Gold open access
As a researcher at the University of Mannheim, you will receive a 20 percent discount on the publication fee (APC) in pure Open access journals under the above-mentioned conditions.
If you publish in a genuine open access journal, you can apply for funding from the Open Access Publishing Fund of the University of Mannheim.
Read more
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us: publikationsdienste. We are happy to support you.
Open Access Publishing Fund
If you publish articles in open access journals, article processing charges may be incurred. You can apply for funding from the University of Mannheim's Open Access Publishing Fund for pure open access journals from all publishers, providing the conditions are fulfilled.
Fees for open access books, so-called Book Processing Charges (BPC), can be partially funded under certain conditions.
Publish your research results quickly, world-wide and free of charge via the University of Mannheim’s research repository. Use MADOC, for example, to publish dissertations or for self-archiving of your journal articles or conference contributions.
Add a publication list to your website
Use the publication plug-in to create a publication list from MADOC and display it on the university’s websites: Once you register your publications with MADOC, your publication list will be updated automatically.
Please see the TYPO3 manual for instructions (in German only)
An ORCID ID serves to uniquely identify researchers. With an ORCID ID, your research activities and publications are unambiguously attributed to you which means that they become more visible and easier to find. Our service: The University Library can export your publication references from MADOC to your ORCID entry and keep them up-to-date.
ORCID service of the Mannheim UL (PDF, 369 KB)
More on ORCID
The University of Mannheim joined the ORCID Germany consortium in 2018.
If you wish to make use or your self-archiving right, the team of the University Library is happy to offer advice. The University Library’s team will also help you with more extensive projects, such as the digital self-archiving of monographs or collective volumes.
Example: Handbuch Quantitative Methoden (in German)
As a researcher at the University of Mannheim, you can use Open Journal Systems (OJS) to publish your own open access journal. The editorial system allows you to organize the publishing process online, from submission to peer review and publication. The University Library’s team will help you to set up your journal and will maintain and configure the system.
If you have questions about publishing or open access, contact the publication services team. We will be happy to help you.
Make an appointment for a consultation or send your questions to publikationsdienste.

Dr. Philipp Zumstein
University Library
Schneckenhof West – Room SN 269.1
68161 Mannheim