Teaching and Research

The University Library offers the infrastructure for teaching and research. Learn more about the library’s publication services, about the Research Data Center and our services regarding the access to library materials.

Publishing and Open Access

We offer advice on the publication of your research results, on open access publishing and the open access publication fonds of the University as a funding option and how to create an ORCID ID.

Zwei Frauen sind über einen Bildschirm eines Laptops gebeugt.
MADOC Research Repository

Publish your research results free of charge in MADOC by listing your documents in the university bibliography or as publicly available online publication.


Publish your own open access journal!

The University Library helps you during the setup and provides a platform and technical support.

Open Science Office

The Open Science Office of the University of Mannheim was established in February 2021. It is linked to the University Library and is a point of contact for everything related to Open Science.

Research Data Center

The University Library offers advice on documenting and archiving your research data and supports you when using and processing data provided by others.

Woman working at a computer screen. Image detail shows hands and keyboard

MADATA is the research data repository of the University of Mannheim. It enables researchers and faculty to store their research data securely and to make it accessible as required.

Infotafeln der Kotzebue-Ausstellung

With MAObjects, the Mannheim University Library offers researchers a platform for creating and presenting digital object collections and virtual exhibitions.

Person sitzt am Computer mit OCR
Automated Text Recognition – OCR

Automated or optical text recognition (OCR) is used to automatically capture text from digital images and thus generate searchable and analyzable data.

Literature Supply

Request media and data at the University Library, use the scan service and learn everything about course reserves and authorizing others to pick up library material for you.


Sie möchten Lehrmaterialien erstellen, fremde Publikationen oder Forschungsdaten rechtssicher nutzen oder Inhalte möglichst offen mit anderen teilen?

Research Skills

Learn about tools and practical tips on topics such as efficient research data management, data analysis, FAIR data publication, Open Science and data protection.