Study Skills

The courses in this series provide you with useful tips on academic research and writing as well as information on the topics of literature management and AI.

Learn more about the program and register for the courses in the student portal. External attendees please register via the link in the respective event announcement.



Any questions?

Viktor Boecking, M.A.

Viktor Boecking, M.A.

Head of the communication departement | Subject Librarian for History | E-Learning
University of Mannheim
University Library
Schloss Schneckenhof West – Room SW 284
68161 Mannheim
Dr. Jorge Murcia Serra

Dr. Jorge Murcia Serra

Information Literacy and E-Learning | Subject Librarian for Romance Languages and Literature, and Language Learning Materials | Education & Training for BERD@NFDI
University of Mannheim
University Library
A3 – Room 105
68159 Mannheim