We make literature, databases and other search options for research in Law available to you.
If you want to learn more about research in your field of study or need tips on academic writing and research, you are welcome to attend our courses. We are happy to offer individual advice.
Databases on German law
For information on accessing beck-online, please refer to Information on Using E-Books and Databases.
Tutorials on how to search the database: beck-online (Youtube)Juris
Search juris for German case law and journal articles. The database also contains full texts and commentaries like the “Staudinger”. Members of the University of Mannheim can continue to use juris from off-campus in 2023.- Tutorials on how to use the database: juris (Youtube)
- Short introduction to the new user interface: Short introduction (PDF, 5.292 KB)
Wolters Kluwer Online
Until 2019 named JURION
Members of the University of Mannheim can also use Wolters Kluwer Online from off-campus.
Database on European law
Tutorials: EUR-Lex (Youtube)
Datenbases on international and foreign law
HeinOnlineMax Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law
Tip: The database also includes topics from international commercial law.Thomson Reuters Westlaw
To search in Westlaw’s journals, choose Westlaw US. Under Browse, open the Secondary Sources link in the All Content tab. Then select Law Reviews & Journals under By Type. Then you can narrow your search by Topic in the left column.West's Encyclopedia of American Law
More databases
Use the database information system (DBIS) to find more databases on Law and databases on other subject areas.E-journals
In the Electronic Journals Library (EZB) and the Primo catalog, you will find Law-specific e-journals.
Subject-specific Internet resources
Virtual law library
Among other services, the virtual library for international and interdisciplinary legal research aggregates legal research blogs.Gesetze im Internet
The Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection and the Federal Office of Justice make federal law available on the Internet.Rechtsprechung im Internet
The Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection and the Federal Office of Justice make available selected decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court, the supreme federal courts and the Federal Patent Court since 2010.Verwaltungsvorschriften im Internet
The federal government makes the administrative regulations of the supreme federal authorities available on the Internet.CURIA
Website of the Court of Justice of the European UnionLaw blogs
Verfassungsblog – On Matters Constitutional
Völkerrechtsblog – International Law and International Legal Thought
Resources on international and foreign law
Law Library of Congress
In its Guide to Law Online, the Law Library of Congress compiles a number of resources, e.g. on foreign jurisdictions.GlobaLex
The Hauser Global Law School Program at NYU School of Law offers research guides, including research guides on national jurisdictions.Constitute Project
The project supports research on comparative constitutional law.Locating resources
In the Schloss Ehrenhof Library, you will find literature on Law which you can use on site. The items are freely accessible and organized according to subject area. Borrowing from this collection is only possible for academic staff of the University of Mannheim.
The Central Lending Library Schloss Westflügel hosts more literature on Law which you can borrow with your ecUM or your library card.
The textbook collection in the Central Lending Library Schloss Westflügel hosts multiple copies of the most important textbooks. Students of the University of Mannheim and cooperating institutions are eligible to borrow from the textbook collection.
In the Primo catalog, you can search for the literature available at the University Library.
Courses and tutorials
The University Library offers regular trainings on Law-specific research. You can watch our online tutorials at any time. We are happy to offer individual advice.
Law-related courses
Urteile und Aufsätze finden – Recherchestrategie für Jurastudierende
Academic writing and research
The collection of the University Library includes a variety of guidebooks on academic writing and research, for example the following (in German):
- Mann, Thomas/
Tettinger, Peter (Begr.), Einführung in die juristische Arbeitstechnik: Klausuren, Hausarbeiten, Seminararbeiten, Dissertationen, 5. Aufl., München 2015 - Möllers, Thomas M. J., Juristische Arbeitstechnik und wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Klausur, Hausarbeit, Seminararbeit, Studienarbeit, Staatsexamen, Dissertation, 9. Aufl., München 2018.
The University Library offers various training and consulting services.

Dr. Marion von Francken-Welz
University Library
Schloss Ehrenhof – Room M 305
68161 Mannheim
In case of absence, please contact Jessica Kaiser.