Eine Person, deren rechter Arm und rechte Hand im Bild sind, nimmt ein Buch aus dem Bücherregal in der Bibliothek bzw. stellt es zurück. Die Person trägt eine Armbanduhr und einen dunkelblauen Pullover.

English and American Studies

We make literature, databases and other search options for research in English and American Studies available to you.

If you want to learn more about research in your field of study or need tips on academic writing and research, you are welcome to attend our courses. We are happy to offer individual advice.


Courses and tutorials

The University Library offers regular trainings on research in English and American Studies. You can watch our online tutorials at any time. We are happy to offer individual advice.

Please see also the Tutorials on the MLA International Bibliography, the most important database on the literature, linguistics and cultural studies of all modern philologies.

    Academic writing and research

    The collection of the University Library includes a variety of guidebooks on academic writing and research, for example in the A3 Library or in the textbook collection at AK 39580.

    The University Library offers various training and consulting services.


      Dr. Rudolf Nink, M.A.

      Subject Librarian for General Information Resources, English and American Studies, General Linguistics and Literature, German Studies, Media and Communication Studies, Philosophy
      University of Mannheim
      University Library
      A3 – Room 104
      68159 Mannheim

      In case of absence, please contact Dr. Hendrik Platte.