Interlibrary Loan
Items which are not held in our library can be borrowed via interlibrary loan.
You can place a request for an item or article via interlibrary loan. The items are usually available within two to three weeks time. The interlibrary loan fee amounts to EUR 1.50 per item. In order to place an interlibrary loan request you need your login information.
Placing an interlibrary loan request
If you cannot find an item in the Primo catalog, you can switch from the tab “Univ. Library Holdings” to “Inter-Library Loan”. Choose an item and click on the link in the section “Get It”. The details are filled in automatically into the online order form for interlibrary loans and you can add additional information.
Additional costs may arise for international interlibrary loans or article copies exceeding more than 20 pages. You can determine your own cost limit upon placing your request.
Section 1(3) of the Rules and Regulations Governing Interlibrary Loans (Leihverkehrsordnung) contains a list of items which cannot be borrowed via interlibrary loan.
Requesting copies via interlibrary loan
Due to copyright law, libraries may transmit copies only under certain conditions and to a limited extent.
Copies may only be ordered for non-commercial purposes.
You may order:
- copies of up to 10 percent of a published work
- copies of individual articles that have appeared in professional or scientific journals
Please note that you cannot order copies of full-length articles from newspapers or popular magazines via interlibrary loan.
Collecting and Borrowing
We will inform you by e-mail about the access to your interlibrary loan request.
Copies, i.e. journal articles or book chapters ordered via interlibrary loan, are usually supplied exclusively electronically by sending you a download link by e-mail.
Please note the download period of 7 days stated in the e-mail.
If you have ordered media such as books via interlibrary loan, we will inform you by e-mail as soon as we have received them.
You can collect your order at the info desk in the Central Lending Library Schloss Westflügel on the following day. Some interlibrary loans can only be accessed in the Special collections reading room at the InfoCenter.
The loan period for interlibrary loans is usually 40 days. Interlibrary loans may not be renewed.
Document delivery services
If an interlibrary loan is not suitable for your request, you can use one of the following document delivery services as private individual:
Upon payment of a fee, Subito supplies you with your items within 72 hours. Subito emails you articles as PDF files. The fees differ depending on the requested items.
Upon payment of a fee, the British Library's document delivery service British Library On Demand supplies copies of journal articles.
The document delivery service Ingenta offers access to 11,000 full texts upon payment of a fee.

University Library
Schloss Schneckenhof
68161 Mannheim