Blick ins Untergeschoss des Ausleihzentrums Schloss Westflügel mit Kompaktusanlage, Stehtisch und Recherche-PC.

Borrow, Request, Renew

You can borrow and return items using the self-service machines at the Central Lending Library Schloss Westflügel. For borrowing items, you need your ecUM or library card.

More information on the library card.

The Central Lending Library Schloss Westflügel also hosts the university’s textbook collection. You can request items from the closed stacks using the Primo catalog and collect them at the Central Lending Library Schloss Westflügel.

Requesting and borrowing items

The Primo catalog provides information on the location and the availability of an item.

  • Borrowing and returning items at the Central Lending Library

    The Central Lending Library is an open-stack library, thus you can collect all items yourself and check them out using the self-service machines.

    You can return items using the self-return machines in the foyer. You can return items via mail at your own risk to Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim, Ausleihe, Schloss Schneckenhof, 68131 Mannheim. If you return an item after the loan period has ended, the library imposes a late fee.

    Only students of the University of Mannheim, of the University of Heidelberg or of cooperating institutions are entitled to borrow items from the textbook collection.

  • Requesting items from the closed stacks

    Please login to your library account and request your items in the Primo catalog. You will be notified via e-mail as soon as you can collect the requested items at the Central Lending Library Schloss Westflügel. This takes 1 to 2 work days. The items will be kept on the pick-up shelves for 5 days.

  • Placing items on hold

    You can place holds on items which other users have already borrowed. You will be notified via e-mail as soon as the items are available in the Central Lending Library. The items will be kept on the pick-up shelves for 5 days.

  • Interlibrary loans

    You will be notified via e-mail as soon as your interlibrary loan items have arrived at the Central Lending Library Schloss Westflügel. Interlibrary loan items will be kept for collection at the circulation desk for the entire loan period. You can pick up the books and articles you requested at the circulation desk. Interlibrary loan books must also be returned at the circulation desk.

  • Special collections reading room

    Items from the closed stacks or interlibrary loan items which cannot be checked out can be ordered to the special collections reading room in the InfoCenter. Among these items are old prints printed and published before 1850, books older than 100 years as well as newspapers and collections of loose papers.

    You will be notified via e-mail as soon as you can access the items. The items will be kept in the special collections reading room for a period of 14 days. Please notify one of the staff members at the InfoCenter if you wish to renew the loan period of your items.

  • Borrowing mobile devices

    Upon presentation of their ecUM, students and staff members of the University of Mannheim can borrow mobile devices at the InfoCenter.

    Borrowing mobile devices

  • Borrowing items from the subject-specific reference libraries

    The A3 Library, A5 Library, Schloss Ehrenhof Library and the Schloss Schneckenhof Library are reference libraries. Only teaching staff members, staff members with the University of Mannheim as main employer and doctoral students may borrow items from the aforementioned libraries. The library may recall borrowed items.

    Can’t find a book at its original location?

Loan periods

The standard loan period at the Central Lending Library Schloss Westflügel is 28 days. When returning your items at the self-return machines, you will receive a receipt via e-mail. To avoid late fees, make sure to return items on the due date by 9 p.m. Please check your library account after returning your items to ensure that all items have been properly returned.

The loan period for short loan items is 14 days. Short loan items include items on hold.

  • Renewals

    You can renew your items for a period of 28 days at any time via your library account. Students and non-university-members can renew items up to a total loan period of 84 days. Employees of the university can renew items up to a total loan period of 168 days.

    You cannot renew the loan periods of items on hold or interlibrary loan items.

  • Late Fees

    If you do not return or renew the loan period of your items on or before their due date, you will be charged a late fee. Students and employees of the University of Mannheim and of cooperating universities will be notified via e-mail. The third reminder will be sent by mail to your current address. You can access your contact details via your library account.

    Late fees are governed by the Fees Regulations of the Mannheim University Library (PDF, 49 KB, only available in German) and the Joint Circulation Guidelines and Fees Regulations for Mobile Devices (PDF, 346 KB, only available in German) . Your account will be blocked if it has been charged with fees exceeding EUR 10 (EUR 50 in case of full-time academic staff members).

  • Loss or Damage

    If you loose or damage an item, e.g. by underlining sections, you are liable to pay the costs for replacing the respective item. If you have lost or damaged an item, please contact the library and fill in the respective form.

    Please notify the library immediately of any pre-existing damages in order to avoid being held accountable for them.

The circulation of all library items is governed by the


Central Lending Library Schloss Westflügel

Central Lending Library Schloss Westflügel

University of Mannheim
University Library
Schloss Westflügel
68161 Mannheim