Security in the subject libraries
The following instructions apply to the subject libraries of the Mannheim University Library.
Security Gates
There are security gates in the entrance area of the subject libraries (A3, A5, Schloss Ehrenhof, Schloss Schneckenhof and the Central Lending Library). These can pose a risk for people with pacemakers or active implants. As a person with a pacemaker, you have the option of calling the counters in the respective subject libraries before passing through the gates if you have any concerns about going through them. As a general rule, you should pass through the security gates quickly.
The subject libraries are publicly accessible spaces. Please do not leave any valuables unattended in the subject libraries. The Mannheim University Library accepts no liability for lost or stolen items in accordance with §10 of the User Regulations.

University Library
Schloss Schneckenhof
68161 Mannheim