11 entries found
Title | Content | Type | Provider |
Cohesion Open Data Platform | Information of national, regional and interregional programmes funded by the EU Budget (data from the budget 2014–2020 and 2021–2027 periods) | factual | European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy |
ESI Funds | European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF): Information on financing and expected achievements under the different ESI Funds (2014–2020) | factual | European Commission, DG Regional and urban Policy |
Fleet Register (FLEET) | Tool to implement and monitor the Common Fisheries Policy; access to all the fishing vessels flying the flag of a Member State | factual | European Commission, DG Maritime Angelegenheiten und Fischerei |
KEEP projects database | Knowledge and Expertise in European Programmes (KEEP): aggregated information regarding projects and beneficiaries of European Union programmes dedicated to cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation in Europe (INTERREG, IPA – Instrument for Pre-Accession and ENPI -European Neighbouring and Partnership Instrument). The database covers the 2000–2006, 2007–2013 and the 2014–2020 period. | factual | INTERACT Programme, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); European Commission, DG Regional Policy |
Leader LAG | European Database of Local Action Groups (contact details, description of their territory, development strategy and cooperation) | factual | European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural Development |
Leader Partner Search | European Database of Approved Transnational Cooperation Projects | factual | European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural Development |
Leader Projects & Practice database | Common tool for disseminating selected examples on the implementation of the Leader+ initiative within the EU. | factual | European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural Development |
Press releases | Press releases database of the European Economic and Social Committee (since 1997) | fulltext | European Economic and Social Committee |
RDP Projects Database | This database demonstrates how the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) is being used in practice, by rural ‘entrepreneurs’ throughout the EU (archived: July 2014). | factual | European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) |
REAP | Retailers' Environmental Action Programme (REAP) database contains examples of sustainability commitments made by members of the Retail Forum (updated annually by the retailers). The commitments are divided into three broad categories depending on the objective to be achieved: What we sell, How we sell, and Communication. | factual | European Commission, DG Environment |
Urban Centre Database GHS-UCDB R2019A | The Urban Centre Database GHS-UCDB R2019A describes more than 10.000 urban centres identified by the application of the “Degree of Urbanization” model to the GHSL baseline data. | factual | European Commission, Joint Research Centre and DG for Regional Development |