69 entries found
Title | Content | Type | Provider |
100 Books on Europe to remember | Comprehensive selection of academic, intellectual and political works on the European idea and the development of the European integration process, taking into account the vast geographical, linguistic and intellectual spectrum of ideas. | bibliographical; fulltext | European Parliament |
AEI | Archive of European Integration is an electronic repository and archive for research materials on the topic of European integration and unification. The AEI collects two types of materials: certain types of independently-produced research materials and official European Community/ | fulltext | University of Pittsburgh |
ARCHISplus | Database of the Historical Archive of the European Commission | bibliographical | European Commission, Secretariat-General |
Cadmus | EUI's open access research repository and contains the EUI-members' academic publications produced during their time at the EUI and those based on research carried out during their time at the EUI. | bibliographical; fulltext | European University Institute (EUI) |
CASE | Central Archives Search Engine (CASE) of the Council with documents produced or received by the Council of the European Union in the exercise of its functions | bibliographical | Council of the European Union |
Complaints database | Complaints about maladministration in EU institutions, bodies, offices, and agencies | fulltext | European Ombudsman |
CONNECT | Database of national Parliament documents | fulltext | European Parliament |
CORE | Open access research papers from repositories and journals worldwide | fulltext | The Open University, Milton Keynes/ |
CURIA Library | Library catalogue of the Court of Justice of the EU | factual | European Court of Justice |
CVCE | Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe : information on the history of European integration with major historical events since 1945: multimedia material (speeches, historical documents, photos, facsimiles, cartoons, sound clips, film recordings, interviews, interactive maps and diagrams, etc.) | fulltext | Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe, Luxembourg |
DART-Europe E-theses Portal | Cooperation of research libraries and library consortia to improve global access to European research theses | fulltext | LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche), European Working Group of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) |
DocsRoom | Search for the documents published on European Commission websites | Volltext | European Commission |
DORIE | DOcumentation et Recherche sur les questions Institutionnelles Européennes: documents concerning EU institutions and decision-making processes, and various intergovernmental conferences (including the 2002–03 constitutional convention) | fulltext | European Commission |
EDC Database | Database of the European Documentation Centre, University of Mannheim | bibliographical; fulltext | European Documentation Centre, University of Mannheim |
EIB Archive | Historical Archive of the EIB with documents from 1956 to 2015 | bibliographical; fulltext | European Investment Bank (EIB) | European University Institute (EUI) |
ESO | European Sources Online database and information service: information on the institutions and activities of the E U, the countries, regions and other international organisations of Europe | faktisch; Volltext | European Sources Online, Cardiff University |
EU Law and publications | Single access point to all the publications, EU law and data managed by the Publications Office | bibliographical; fulltext | Publications Office, Luxembourg |
EU Open Data Portal | Single point of access to open data from EU institutions, agencies and other bodies | factual | Publications Office, Luxembourg |
EU Publications | Formerly “EU Bookshop”: Online library of publications from the institutions and other bodies of the European Union | factual; fulltext | Publications Office, Luxembourg |
EU Web Archive | Web archive for the EU institutions: content and design of websites as it was at a given point in time | factual; fulltext | Publications Office, Luxembourg |
EU Whoiswho (ex IDEA) | Interinstitutional directory of EU institutions | factual | Publications Office, Luxembourg |
EUAA publications database | Literature database: publications with particular attention to asylum-related migration (studies, such as academic research, policy or position papers, briefs, and research reports) | factual | European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) |
Eurobarometer | Eurobarometer since 1974 | factual; fulltext | European Commission |
European Citizen’s Initiative Register | Portal with search for open and archived initiatives | factual | European Commission |
EuroTermBank | Consolidate European terminology: Online terminology bank for languages of the European Union and Icelandic, interlinked to other terminology banks and resources. The EuroTermBank enables exchange of terminology data with existing national and EU terminology databases | factual | Terminology for Europe network |
Financial Transparency System (FTS) | Information on beneficiaries of funding from the EU budget paid by the Commission directly (since 2007), and beneficiaries of the European Development Fund (since 2010) | factual | European Commission, DG Budget |
Find-eR | European's Commission Library catalogue and online resources | bibliographical; fulltext | European Commission |
GlossaryLinks | Glossary search tool with a database of almost 2500 glossaries | factual | European Parliament, Terminology Coordination |
GovLit | Bibliographic information about publicationson EU governance from a variety of sources, including the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), Google Scholar, and the British Library (1957-2007); developed under the framework of CONNEX: a Network of Excellence financially supported by the European Union's 6th Framework Programme | bibliographical; fulltext | Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung, Mannheim |
Historical Archive – CASE | Central Archives Search Engine (CASE): Suchmaschine des Zentralarchivs mit Zugang zu Beschreibungen der Archivalien | biobliographical | Council of the European Union |
Historical Archive – EIB | The historical archives of the EIB are regularly transferred to the Historical Archives of the European Union | bibliographical; fulltext | European Investmant Bank |
Historical Archive – EP | Material on the Parliament’s legislative and political activity from 1952 until 2009 | biobliographical | European Parliament |
Historical Archive – European Ombudsman | Background information on the process that led to the creation and establishment of the European Ombudsman (since 1992). | fulltext | European Ombudsman |
Historical Archives of EU | European Historical Archives database (Florence) ; former EURHISTAR | bibliographical | European University Institute, Florence |
IATE | Multilingual terminology database (Inter-Active Terminology for Europe) | factual | European Commission |
InforEuro | Monthly accounting rate of the euro | factual | European Commission, DG Budget |
IPEX | Platform for the electronic exchange of EU-related information between parliaments in the European Union. Parliamentary documents, which are uploaded individually by each national parliament, are the main building blocks of the IPEX database. These documents are organised according to the specific EU document which they relate to (COM, SEC since 2006). | fulltext | European Union |
KCMD Data Catalogue | The Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography (KCMD) Data Catalogue is a table of data sources relevant to Migration and Demography policies. Each data source is listed with its summary description, the link to its web site and other metadata. The catalogue will include official EU and international statistics, as well as important data sets at Member State level. | factual | European Commission |
Library online catalogue EESC InfoSearch | Online catalogue and search tool of the EESC Information Centre | bibliographical; fulltext | European Economic and Social Committee |
Library online catalogue Eureka | Gateway to the information resources and knowledge base of the Council libraries | bibliographical; fulltext | Council of the European Union |
Library online catalogue GOORFY | Library's online discovery tool, Good Reading for You (GOORFY) | bibliographical; fulltext | European Committee of the Regions |
OPac | Online catalogue of the Publications Office | bibliographical; fulltext | Publications Office, Luxembourg |
OpenAIRE | OpenAIRE’s mission is closely linked to the mission of the European Commission: to provide unlimited, barrier free, open access to research outputs financed by public funding in Europe. OpenAIRE has grown through a series of project phases funded by the European Commission: from the Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for European Research (DRIVER) projects to link Europe’s repository infrastructure, to the first OpenAIRE project aimed to assist the EC in implementing its initial pilot for Open Access (OA) to publications. | fulltext | OpenAIRE,network of Open Access repositories, archives and journals | European Commission |
OpenGrey | System for information on grey literature in Europe, covering science, technology, biomedical science, economics, social science and humanities including (bibliographical references, abstracts and partly fulltexts); document types: technical or research reports, doctoral dissertations, conference papers, official publications etc. | bibliographical; fulltext | Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique (INIST-CNRS), Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy/Frankreich |
Oral History | The oral history holdings of the Archives comprise 595 interviews, divided among six distinct programmes: Voices on Europe, the European Commission 1958-1973, the European Commission 1973-1986, Europe in Space, EUI Interviews, and Jean Monnet – Statesman of Interdependence. | fulltext | Historical Archives of the European Union |
ORBIS | Open Repository Base on International Strategic Studies (library of prospective studies) | fulltext | European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS), a unique inter-institutional project of European Commission, European Parliament, Secretariat General of the Council of the European Union and the European External Action Service |
Press releases | Press releases database of the European Economic and Social Committee (since 1997) | fulltext | European Economic and Social Committee |
Press releases | Press releases database of the European Investment Bank (since 1997) | fulltext | European Investment Bank |
Press releases | Press releases database of the European Central Bank (since 1997) | fulltext | European Central Bank |
Press releases | Press releases databases of the EU Institutions | fulltext | European Union |
Press releases and statements | Press releases database of the Council of the European Union and the European Council (since November 2009) | fulltext | Council of the European Union |
Press releases database (ex RAPID) | Press releases database: Daily press information service about the EU, speeches, declarations etc. | fulltext | European Commission |
Register of Comitology | Documents since 1st of January 2003: agendas of committee meetings, draft implementing measures, summary records of committee meetings, voting results of opinions delivered by a committee | fulltext | European Commission |
Register of documents | e-EEAS Register: Access to documents of the European External Action Service | fulltext | European External Action Service (EEAS) |
Register of documents | Access to documents of the Committee of the Regions | fulltext | European Committee of the Regions |
Register of documents | Access to documents of Community Plant Variety Office | fulltext | Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) |
Register of documents | Access to documents of Council of the European Union | fulltext | Council of the European Union |
Register of documents | COM, C and SEC documents and other categories such as the agendas and minutes of Commission meetings | fulltext | European Commission |
Register of documents | Access to documents of the European Economic and Social Committee | fulltext | European Economic and Social Committee |
Register of documents | Access to documents of the European Parliament | fulltext | European Parliament |
Register of documents | Access to documents of the Data Protection Officer | fulltext | Data Protection Officer |
Register of documents | Access to documents of the European Environmental Agency | bibliographical; fulltext | European Environmental Agency |
Register of expert groups | Overview of the advisory bodies that assist the Commission and its services in preparing legislative proposals and policy initiatives | factual | European Commission |
Register of the European Citizens' Initiative | Portal with search of current and previous initiatives | faktisch | European Commission |
Register of Transparency | Information on interest representatives (lobbyists) who engage with European institutions with a view to influencing policy formation and the decision-making process. [Video] | factual | European Commission | European Parliament |
SEDIA Portal | Single Electronic Data Interchange Area (SEDIA): Entry point for EU funding programmes and tenders | factual | European Commission |
Self- and Co-Regulation Database | In 2005, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the European Commission decided to gather operational knowledge on EU self- and co-regulation. The database maps initiatives with an EU dimension (i.e. involving more than one Member State) since 2006. Most of these are linked to the Single Market. | factual | European Economic and Social Committee |
Summaries of EU legislation | Information on the main aspects of the European legislation, policies and activities. These Summaries cover 32 topics corresponding to the activities of the EU. | fulltext | Publications Office, Luxembourg |
Urbis | Unified Repository Base on Implementation Studies: reports from relevant actors relating to the initiatives of the Commission Work Programme; offers EP Members insight to other levels of decision involved before they start amending the Commission legislative proposals (since 2014) | fulltext | European Parliament |