
67 entries found
Title Content Type Provider
AEIArchive of European Integration is an electronic repository and archive for research materials on the topic of European integration and unification. The AEI collects two types of materials: certain types of independently-produced research materials and official European Community/European Union documents.fulltext University of Pittsburgh
BACH Bank for the Accounts of Companies Harmonised (BACH) in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia and Spainfulltext (free on request)European Committee of Central Balance-Sheet Data Offices (ECCBSO); hosted by Banque de France
BEREC document registerPublic Register of BEREC and BEREC Office Documentsfulltext Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), Riga
CadmusEUI's open access research repository and contains the EUI-members' academic publications produced during their time at the EUI and those based on research carried out during their time at the EUI.bibliographical; fulltextEuropean University Institute (EUI)
Competition casesCase search for antitrust and cartels, mergers, state aidfactual; fulltextEuropean Commission, DG Competition
CONNECTDatabase of national Parliament documentsfulltext European Parliament
COREOpen access research papers from repositories and journals worldwidefulltext The Open University, Milton Keynes/UK
CosIngDatabase with information on COSmetic INGredients contained in the “Cosmetics Directive” 76/768/EECfactualEuropean Commission
CURIA LibraryLibrary catalogue of the Court of Justice of the EUfactual European Court of Justice
DART-Europe E-theses PortalCooperation of research libraries and library consortia to improve global access to European research thesesfulltext LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche), European Working Group of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)
DocsRoomSearch for the documents published on European Commission websitesVolltextEuropean Commission
ECCRSEuropean Consumer Complaints Registration System (ECCRS): Consumer complaints database with harmonised EU statistics on consumer complaints and inquiries(discontinued; 2006–2018)factual European Commission, DG Justice and Consumers
eCertisOnline database listing the eligibility criteria and documentary evidence needed in each European Economic Area (EEA) country (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) for companies to take part in public procurement.factual European Commission, DG Internal Market and Services
Economic databasesAMECO (annual macro-economic data), Business and consumer surveys, Key indicators for the euro area, Monetary Conditions Index (MCI), EU Klems, Tax and benefits indicators, Pension Reform Database (PENSREF)factual; fulltextEuropean Commission
EDC DatabaseDatabase of the European Documentation Centre, University of Mannheimbibliographical; fulltextEuropean Documentation Centre, University of Mannheim
EIDSMEEnvironmental Impact Database for SMEs in the EU: Database which illustrates the environmental impact from small and middlesized enterprises in the European Union (archived website 2015)factual European Commission, DG Environment | Statistical Office of the EC (Eurostat)
ESOEuropean Sources Online database and information service: information on the institutions and activities of the E U, the countries, regions and other international organisations of Europefaktisch; VolltextEuropean Sources Online, Cardiff University
EspacenetFree access to information about inventions and technical developments from 1782 to today. factual; fulltextEuropean Patent Office (EPO), Munich
EU Law and publicationsSingle access point to all the publications, EU law and data managed by the Publications Officebibliographical; fulltextPublications Office, Luxembourg
EU Open Data PortalSingle point of access to open data from EU institutions, agencies and other bodiesfactual Publications Office, Luxembourg
EU PublicationsFormerly “EU Bookshop”: Online library of publications from the institutions and other bodies of the European Unionfactual; fulltextPublications Office, Luxembourg
EU Web ArchiveWeb archive for the EU institutions: content and design of websites as it was at a given point in timefactual; fulltextPublications Office, Luxembourg
EUIPO DatabasesDatabases (TmClass, TmView; DesignClass, DesignView) of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO): Information about trade marks, designs, owners, representatives and bulletins; EUIPO decisions, judgments of the General Court, Court of Justice and national courtsfactual; fulltextEuropean Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
EurobarometerEurobarometer since 1974factual; fulltextEuropean Commission
EURodesk opportunities hubInformation on European programmes for learning, volunteering, internships, participating, grants factualEURODESK netwerk, Brussels
European Business Registers (EBR)According to directive 2012/17/EU (interconnection of central, commercial and companies registers), the European e-Justice Portal will serve as the European electronic access point for business register information. Until the transposition of the Directive, the EBR is the only network of business registers that operates at European level. Currently, the business registers of 17 Member States of the EU and five other European countries or crown dependencies take part in the EBR network.factual European Commission, DG Justice and Consumers
European Citizen’s Initiative RegisterPortal with search for open and archived initiativesfactual European Commission
European Patent RegisterSource of publicly available procedural information on European patent applications as they pass through each stage of the granting process.factual; fulltextEuropean Patent Office (EPO), Munich
EuroTermBankConsolidate European terminology: Online terminology bank for languages of the European Union and Icelandic, interlinked to other terminology banks and resources. The EuroTermBank enables exchange of terminology data with existing national and EU terminology databasesfactual Terminology for Europe network
Find-eREuropean's Commission Library catalogue and online resources bibliographical; fulltextEuropean Commission
GlossaryLinksGlossary search tool with a database of almost 2500 glossaries factual European Parliament, Terminology Coordination
Harmonised DatabaseThe Database contains more than 70 000 terms from which our users can select the goods and services for which they seek protection in their trade mark applications.factual European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
IATEMultilingual terminology database (Inter-Active Terminology for Europe)factual European Commission
Library online catalogue EESC InfoSearchOnline catalogue and search tool of the EESC Information Centrebibliographical; fulltextEuropean Economic and Social Committee
Library online catalogue EurekaGateway to the information resources and knowledge base of the Council librariesbibliographical; fulltextCouncil of the European Union
Library online catalogue GOORFYLibrary's online discovery tool, Good Reading for You (GOORFY)bibliographical; fulltextEuropean Committee of the Regions
Nando ISNew Approach Notified and Designated Organisations Information System: European notified bodies as well as third country bodies designated under formal agreements responsible for carrying out the conformity assessment procedures referred to in the applicable New Approach directives. factual European Commission, DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW)
OPacOnline catalogue of the Publications Officebibliographical; fulltextPublications Office, Luxembourg
OpenAIREOpenAIRE’s mission is closely linked to the mission of the European Commission: to provide unlimited, barrier free, open access to research outputs financed by public funding in Europe. OpenAIRE has grown through a series of project phases funded by the European Commission: from the Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for European Research (DRIVER) projects to link Europe’s repository infrastructure, to the first OpenAIRE project aimed to assist the EC in implementing its initial pilot for Open Access (OA) to publications. fulltext OpenAIRE,network of Open Access repositories, archives and journals | European Commission
OpenGreySystem for information on grey literature in Europe, covering science, technology, biomedical science, economics, social science and humanities including (bibliographical references, abstracts and partly fulltexts); document types: technical or research reports, doctoral dissertations, conference papers, official publications etc.bibliographical; fulltextInstitut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique (INIST-CNRS), Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy/Frankreich
ORBISOpen Repository Base on International Strategic Studies (library of prospective studies)fulltext European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS), a unique inter-institutional project of European Commission, European Parliament, Secretariat General of the Council of the European Union and the European External Action Service
Press releasesPress releases database of the European Investment Bank (since 1997)fulltext European Investment Bank
Press releasesPress releases database of the European Central Bank (since 1997)fulltext European Central Bank
Press releasesPress releases databases of the EU Institutionsfulltext European Union
Press releases and statementsPress releases database of the Council of the European Union and the European Council (since November 2009)fulltext Council of the European Union
Press releases database (ex RAPID) Press releases database: Daily press information service about the EU, speeches, declarations etc. fulltextEuropean Commission
REAPRetailers' Environmental Action Programme (REAP) database contains examples of sustainability commitments made by members of the Retail Forum (updated annually by the retailers). The commitments are divided into three broad categories depending on the objective to be achieved: What we sell, How we sell, and Communication.factual European Commission, DG Environment
Register of ComitologyDocuments since 1st of January 2003: agendas of committee meetings, draft implementing measures, summary records of committee meetings, voting results of opinions delivered by a committeefulltextEuropean Commission
Register of documents Access to documents of the Committee of the RegionsfulltextEuropean Committee of the Regions
Register of documents Access to documents of Community Plant Variety OfficefulltextCommunity Plant Variety Office (CPVO)
Register of documents Access to documents of Council of the European Union fulltextCouncil of the European Union
Register of documents COM, C and SEC documents and other categories such as the agendas and minutes of Commission meetingsfulltextEuropean Commission
Register of documents Access to documents of the European Economic and Social CommitteefulltextEuropean Economic and Social Committee
Register of documents Access to documents of the European ParliamentfulltextEuropean Parliament
Register of documents Access to documents of the Data Protection OfficerfulltextData Protection Officer
Register of expert groups Overview of the advisory bodies that assist the Commission and its services in preparing legislative proposals and policy initiativesfactual European Commission
Register of the European Citizens' InitiativePortal with search of current and previous initiativesfaktisch European Commission
Register of TransparencyInformation on interest representatives (lobbyists) who engage with European institutions with a view to influencing policy formation and the decision-making process. [Video]factual European Commission | European Parliament
SEDIA PortalSingle Electronic Data Interchange Area (SEDIA): Entry point for EU funding programmes and tendersfactual European Commission
Self- and Co-Regulation DatabaseIn 2005, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the European Commission decided to gather operational knowledge on EU self- and co-regulation. The database maps initiatives with an EU dimension (i.e. involving more than one Member State) since 2006. Most of these are linked to the Single Market. factual European Economic and Social Committee
SIMAPThe SIMAP portal provides access to the most important information about public procurement in Europe.factual European Commission
Small Business Act – Database of good practicesDatabase contains activities by public authorities in EU Member States, recognised as good practices to improve the business environment of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME).factual European Commission, DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW)
State aid register of EFTA StatesState aid rules in the EEA Agreement are broadly equivalent to the state aid rules in the EC Treaty and which apply across the EU. The state aid register gives access to all the decisions since 1994 taken by EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA). fulltext EFTA Surveillance Authority
Summaries of EU legislation Information on the main aspects of the European legislation, policies and activities. These Summaries cover 32 topics corresponding to the activities of the EU. fulltext Publications Office, Luxembourg
TEDTenders Electronic Daily: On-line version of the ‘Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union’, dedicated to European public procurement.fulltext Publications Office, Luxembourg
Tools and databasesMore than 20 databases and tools for the in the field of internal market, industry, entrepreneurship and SMEfactual; fulltextEuropean Commission, DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
UrbisUnified Repository Base on Implementation Studies: reports from relevant actors relating to the initiatives of the Commission Work Programme; offers EP Members insight to other levels of decision involved before they start amending the Commission legislative proposals (since 2014)fulltext European Parliament