
Data Management Plans & MADataPlan

A Data Management Plan (DMP) describes how research data is handled before the project has commenced, ensuring the traceability of data during the project and beyond. DMPs are often required in a formalized form when submitting a funding application or during the project period, for example with Horizon Europe, ERC grants. The DFG also asks for information on Data Management, although this is not explicitly a DMP.

The FDZ supports researchers in the preparation of a DMP

  • Trainings, workshops and consulting on the topic of DMPs (see Research Skills Seminar Series)
  • MADataPlan – a web-based tool for the creation of DMPs hosted by the FDZ – RDMO
  • Review and consultation of DMPs prior to submission or the beginning of a research project

Further general information on the topic of DMPs can be found here.

For a reviewing and consultation on a DMP please contact Dr. David Philip Morgan using the details below.

Accessing the DMP-Tool MADataPlan:

Check out MADataPlan, an instance of RDMO, and use it to create your DMP by clicking on the following link


Dr. David Philip Morgan

Dr. David Philip Morgan

Open Science Officer | Research Data Consultant (Social Sciences)
University of Mannheim
University Library
Schloss Schneckenhof West – Room SN 270
68161 Mannheim
Forschungsdatenzentrum (FDZ)

Forschungsdatenzentrum (FDZ)

Team: Irene Schumm, Phil Kolbe, David Morgan, Renat Shigapov, Christos Sidiropoulos, Larissa Will
University of Mannheim
Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim
Schloss Schneckenhof West
68161 Mannheim