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Data Management Plans & MADataPlan

A Data Management Plan (DMP) describes how research data is handled before the project has commenced, ensuring the traceability of data during the project and beyond. DMPs are often required in a formalized form when submitting a funding application or during the project period, for example with Horizon Europe, ERC grants. The DFG also asks for information on Data Management, although this is not explicitly a DMP.

The FDZ supports researchers in the preparation of a DMP

  • Trainings, workshops and consulting on the topic of DMPs (see Research Skills Seminar Series)
  • MADataPlan – a web-based tool for the creation of DMPs hosted by the FDZ – RDMO
  • Review and consultation of DMPs prior to submission or the beginning of a research project

Further general information on the topic of DMPs can be found here.

For a reviewing and consultation on a DMP please contact Dr. David Philip Morgan using the details below.

Accessing the DMP-Tool MADataPlan:

Check out MADataPlan, an instance of RDMO, and use it to create your DMP by clicking on the following link


Forschungsdatenzentrum (FDZ)

Forschungsdatenzentrum (FDZ)

Team: Irene Schumm, Phil Kolbe, David Morgan, Thomas Schmidt, Renat Shigapov, Christos Sidiropoulos, Vasilka Stoilova, Larissa Will
University of Mannheim
Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim
Schloss Schneckenhof West
68161 Mannheim