Linked Open Citation Database (LOC-DB)
Contact: Dr. Annette Klein und Dr. Philipp Zumstein
Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Duration: 2016–2018
Project partners: Prof. Dr. Andreas Dengel (DFKI Kaiserslautern), Prof. Dr. Kai Eckert (Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart), Prof. Dr. Ansgar Scherp (Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Wirtschaftswissenschaften (ZBW) – Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft)
Development of a Linked Open Data database for the indexing of citations of electronic and print media
The LOC-DB project will develop ready-to-use tools and processes based on the linked-data technology that make it possible for a single library to meaningfully contribute to an open, distributed infrastructure for the cataloguing of citations. The project aims to prove that, by widely automating cataloguing processes, it is possible to add a substantial benefit to academic search tools by regularly capturing citation relations. These data will be made available in the semantic web to make future reuse possible. Moreover, we document effort, number and quality of the data in a well-founded cost-benefit analysis.
The project will use well-known methods of information extraction and adapt them to work for arbitrary layouts of reference lists in electronic and print media. The obtained raw data will be aligned and linked with existing metadata sources. Moreover, it will be shown how these data can be integrated in library catalogues. The system will be deployable to use productively by a single library, but in principle it will also be scalable for using it in a network.
Software & Data
All software developed is publicly available on GitHub and has been developed transparently at The main components of the LOC-DB system include in particular
- Backend: loc-db
- Front-end: locdb-frend
- Reference extractor: automatic-reference-extractor
Data generated from the project:
- Data has been fed directly into the OpenCitations corpus.
- Labeled Reference Data from the Linked Open Citation Database (LOC-DB) Project (2018).
- Additional Labeled Reference Data from the Linked Open Citation Database (LOC-DB) Project (2019).
Workshop 2018
Second Linked Open Citation Database (LOC-DB) Workshop
The second and final workshop of the DFG project LOC-DB took place on 6 November 2018 at the University of Mannheim (Fuchs-Petrolub-Saal O138).
The project LOC-DB has developed a software system with which citations from printed and electronic media are semi-automatically detected and linked with existing metadata. The resulting open citation data can be reused in library applications as well as beyond.
The workshop presented the current beta version of the LOC-DB software and presented the criteria and preliminary results of an evaluation of the system. In addition, various application scenarios have been identified in the context of specialist information services and scientific evaluation. In a practical part, the participants tested the workflows and data quality of LOC-DB themselves and gained insight into the code of the LOC-DB software.
Programm (PDF, 97 KB)
Scholia, WikiCite, Wikidata et al.
Finn Årup Nielsen – Technical University of Denmark
Präsentation (PDF, 2,09 MB)
LOC-DB-Status: Was leistet das System aktuell? Was sind die nächsten Schritte?
Prof. Dr. Kai Eckert – Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart
Dr. Annette Klein – Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim
Syed Tahseen Raza Rizvi – DFKI KaiserslauternPräsentation (PDF, 1,86 MB)
LOC-DB Evaluation: criteria and preliminary results
Dr. Anne Lauscher – University of Mannheim
Lukas Galke – ZBW Kiel
Syed Tahseen Raza Rizvi – DFKI KaiserslauternPräsentation (PDF, 4,33 MB)
Perspectives of Open Citations for Specialized Information Services
Dr. Thomas Risse – Frankfurt University Library
Präsentation (PDF, 1,27 MB)
Anwendungsszenarien im Index Theologicus (IxTheo)
Timotheus Chang Whae Kim – Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen
Präsentation (PDF, 1,05 MB), Online-Version
Forschungsevaluation und Visualierung von Zitationsnetzwerken
Christian Hauschke – TIB Hannover
Präsentation (PDF, 4,33 MB), CC BY 4.0
Praxis-Session: Datenqualität evaluieren
Dr. Philipp Zumstein – Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim
Dr. Annette Klein – Universitätsbibliothek MannheimPräsentation (PDF, 285 KB)
Workshop 2017
First Linked Open Citation Database (LOC-DB) Workshop
On November 7, 2017, the first Linked Open Citation Database Workshop took place in Mannheim Palace (Fuchs-Petrolub-Saal O138). Librarians and specialists in OCR, Linked Data and reference extraction came together to discuss the advancements that LOC-DB and other projects have recently made in this field. The current beta version of the LOC-DB software was tested in hands-on sessions and perspectives for using free citation data in libraries were discussed together.
Programm (PDF, 228 KB)
Einführung: Das Projekt LOC-DB und die Vision der offenen Zitationen
Dr. Annette Klein – Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim
Präsentation (PDF, 214 KB)
LOC-DB Daten und Workflows
Dr. Philipp Zumstein – Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim
Laura Erhard – Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim
Sylvia Zander – Universitätsbibliothek MannheimPräsentation (PDF, 902 KB)
LOC-DB Konzepte
Prof. Dr. Kai Eckert – Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart
Dr. Anne Lauscher – Universität Mannheim
Lukas Galke – ZBW KielPräsentation (PDF, 1,95 MB)
LOC-DB Methoden zur Extraktion von Zitationen
Dr. Sheraz Ahmed – DFKI Kaiserslautern
Syed Tahseen Raza Rizvi – DFKI KaiserslauternPräsentation (PDF, 2,9 MB)
EXCITE Projekt: Statusbericht
Behnam Ghavimi – GESIS Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaft
Präsentation (PDF, 706 KB)
Halbautomatische Katalogisierung von Artikeln für einen Fachinformationsdienst
Timotheus Chang Whae Kim – Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen
Präsentation (PDF, 3,21 MB), Online-Version
EconBiz und die Nutzung von offenen Zitationsdaten in einem DiscoveryService: Überlegungen und Visionen
Dr. Tamara Pianos – ZBW Kiel
Präsentation (PDF, 2,08 MB)
OpenCitations als Knotenpunkt für offene Zitationsdaten
David Shotton – Universität Oxford
Präsentation (PDF, 845 KB)
Libraries as Curators of Open Citations: Perspectives of the Project LOC-DB in Germany
Workshop on Open Citations, 3.–5. September 2018, BolognaDr. Anne Lauscher
Präsentation (PDF, 3,67 MB)
Linked Open Citation Database: Enabling Libraries to Contribute to an Open
ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2018 (JCDL 2018), 4. Juni 2018 Dr. Anne Lauscher, Prof. Dr. Kai Eckert
Präsentation (PDF, 1,99 MB), Google Präsentation
Video: Das Projekt Linked Open Citation Database (LOC DB)
Unser Clip für den Bibliothekartag 2018 zum LOC-DB-Projekt ist angenommen worden und jetzt online aufrufbar:Linked Open Citation Database
SWIB17 (Lightening Talk), 5. Dezember 2017Prof. Dr. Kai Eckert
Präsentation (PDF, 1,57 MB)
Von der Schneeflocke zur Lawine: Möglichkeiten der Nutzung freier Zitationsdaten in Bibliotheken
Bibliothekartag 2017 in Frankfurt, 1. Juni 2017Dr. Annette Klein
Präsentation (PDF, 770 KB)
Cataloguing citations for print and electronic resources in libraries (LOC-DB-project)
WikiCite 2017, 23. Mai 2017Dr. Philipp Zumstein
Präsentation (PDF, 1,23 MB)
A Linked Open Citation Database provided by Libraries. Motivation and Challenges
EXCITE Workshop 2017, 31. März 2017Prof. Dr. Kai Eckert, Dr. Anne Lauscher, Akansha Bhardwaj
Präsentation (PDF, 9,45 MB)
The Linked Open Citation Database (LOC-DB) Project
White Rose Libraries Erasmus Staff Week York, 21. März 2017Regina Retter
Präsentation (PDF, 556 KB)
A Linked Open Citation Database (LOC-DB)
SWIB16 – Semantic Web in Libraries (Lightening Talk), 29. November 2016Dr. Philipp Zumstein
Präsentation (PDF, 910 KB)
- Galke, Lukas; Mai, Florian; Vagliano, Iacopo; Scherp, Ansgar (2018): Multi-Model Adversarial Autoencoders for Recommendations of Citations and Subject Labels. Accepted for the UMAP 2018: User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, 8 – 11 July, 2018, Singapore [Preprint of the conference publication]
- Lauscher, Anne; Eckert, Kai; Galke, Lukas; Scherp, Ansgar; Rizvi, Syed Tahseen Raza; Ahmed, Sheraz; Dengel, Andreas; Zumstein, Philipp; Klein, Annette (2018) Linked Open Citation Database: Enabling Libraries to Contribute to an Open and Interconnected Citation Graph. Accepted for the JCDL 2018: Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2018, June 3–6, 2018 in Fort Worth, Texas [Open Access version]
- Bhardwaj A., Mercier D., Dengel A., Ahmed S. (2017) DeepBIBX: Deep Learning for Image Based Bibliographic Data Extraction. In: Liu D., Xie S., Li Y., Zhao D., El-Alfy ES. (eds) Neural Information Processing. ICONIP 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10635. Springer, Cham [Conference publication]
- Klein, Annette (2017) Von der Schneeflocke zur Lawine: Möglichkeiten der Nutzung freier Zitationsdaten in Bibliotheken. In: o-bib. Das offene Bibliotheksjournal / herausgegeben vom VDB, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 4, p. 127–136 [Journal article]
English version [machine translation]: From snowflake to avalanche: Possibilities of using free citation data in libraries - Lauscher, Anne und Glavaš, Goran und Ponzetto, Simone Paolo und Eckert, Kai (2017) Investigating convolutional networks and domain-specific embeddings for semantic classification of citations. In: Proceedings of WOSP 2017 Toronto [Conference publication]
- Lauscher, Anne und Glavaš, Goran und Eckert, Kai (2017) University of Mannheim @ CLSciSumm-17: Citation-Based Summarization of Scientific Articles Using Semantic Textual Similarity. In: 2nd Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries 2017 [Conference publication]
- Retter, Regina und Wilke, Christian (2017) Zitationsdaten extrahieren: halbautomatisch, offen, vernetzt. In: Informationspraxis, Bd. 3, Nr. 2 [Workshop report]