About the University Library

Here you will find important news from the University Library. Find out more our about job offers, read about our projects and exhibitions or search for the right person to contact if you have subject-specific or library-related questions.


News from the University Library – we keep you up to date and are looking forward to your comments.

Job Offers and Training

You are interested in knowledge and media, data and digital services? Find out more about vocational training and job offers at the University Library.

Get in Touch

How to contact the University Library

Library Profile

Facts and figures or more information on the University Library’s history – here you will find the key data.


Exhibitions and Events

An overview of the University Library’s current and past exhibitions and events

Our Projects

The University Library’s ongoing and completed projects, funded by various research funding institutions

Hande schreiben an einem Laptop. Auf dem Monitor ist ein Diagramm.

Publications by the library’s staff members

Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations Governing the Use of the Mannheim University Library, Fee Regulations of the Mannheim University Library and other rules and regulations